How to Make Moving with Pets Easy


Pets make life more enriching and can bring a lot of joy. But, they can also make certain things a bit more complicated. If you’re moving, you are probably wondering how you can make the process easier for everyone. You might have an extra concern about how to get your beloved furry family members to their new homes without stressing them out.

While moving can be stressful for pets and their owners, it can be made a bit easier. Follow these tips from the moving professionals at Slater Transfer & Storage to make moving with your furry friends easier.

Give Your Pet a Place to Relax During the Packing Process

For many species, like dogs and cats, the chaos of packing up a home can be stressful. They might feel like everything is out of order and worry that something is going wrong. So, it’s essential to give them a space where they can unwind and get away from all the mess. Try to keep some aspects of their routine and sleeping area the same. You don’t want to move their bed around or change up when you feed them until the last minute.

Reach Out to a Vet for Advice

If you have a pet that generally gets anxious or has specific needs, it’s vital to work with their vet for assistance. Some pets might require specific conditions in order to travel safely. For example, a reptile has very different needs during a move than a cat. Do what you can to get supplies ready and ensure the move is safe for them. A vet can assist you with this process as they have the expert training to advise you. This is especially important if you plan a long-distance move.

Pack a Moving Bag with Their Supplies

An emergency bag with pet supplies is a good idea, even for a local move. You’ll be able to have all of their essential items close by, so you won’t be scrambling trying to find their food, collar, or whatever else they need. As you pack up, make sure to set these essentials aside to ensure a smooth process.

Get Assistance from Professional Movers

Moving is complicated and a lot of work. And, if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, your pets probably will too. To simplify the moving process for the entire family, consider help from the full-service movers at Slater Transfer & Storage. We can assist you with any part of the moving process, so you can focus on your pets and keep them happy. Call us today to request your quote.